SWEET CHARITY -- NY Street - Page four
Designer:- Tony Bird
Scenic Artist:- Brian Willis
Performed by :- Newbridge Musical Society at the Dominican College Newbridge Co. Kildare.
April 2006
NEW YORK STREET SCENE Blocking in the colours
29th March (Usual 5 ltr paint tin for scale) Today I spent blocking in the colours. Once all parts of the cloth have been painted I can then stand back and evaluate what needs emphasising etc. Note the usual artists trick of cool colours to the back and warm colours to the fore. I used a long spirit level a great deal getting these buildings correct, also miles of masking tape to mask off areas already painted or need 'reserving'. (see both lamp posts for instance) That's real sunshine coming in through one of the workshop windows on the right. The painted shadows are starting to give the scene depth. lots more to come - shadows. signs, reflected light, aerial perspective. misting the background etc. In fact by the time this cloth is finished I will probably have repainted practically every square inch of it again.
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