Me and My Girl - Page five
Designer Liam Berry. Backcloths by Brian Willis.
Performed by the pupils of Cross and Passion College, Ballycastle (2004)
CAPSTAN STREET (Big file will take a time to download - sorry)
24 foot by 12 foot backcloth. I really must buy some new overalls one day.

There's a practical lamp to go in front of this cloth ("I'm Leaning on a Lamppost")
Also a practical house front-door section will be placed in front of the blank wall on the left (below the window)

Two slightly larger close-ups.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens with blue light on this cloth. In theory the white clouds should "sing out" dramatically.

That's hardboard on the floor to stop getting paint on the stage.

Chair for scale

It's very rare that I bother to have a full "practice" of a cloth, but I wanted to get the elements right - such as the light spills and reflections, and the moon shadows cast by the chimneys etc.

Unfortunately the jpeg compession and graphic "sharpening" gives the impression that I have used black outlines around buildings etc. This is not the case.

So CLICK HERE to see my acrylic painting of this scene. (remember to close the separate window once finished with)

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