OLIVER by Ballywillan Drame Group - page twelve of these "Oliver" pages
Designed - Brian Logan
Scenic Artist- Brian Willis
Set Construction by:- Ronny Kelly, Gordon Kelly, Mark McCandless, and Michael Sweeney
Performed at the Riverside Theatre Coleraine January 2006

Although Brian Logan was the Designer, he very kindly gave me a free hand to paint my own ideas on these flats. My only brief from him was ... Dockland Victorian London, Muted colours, rickety steps, and warehouses etc.

The Riverside Theatre is a professional theatre with an amphitheatre type stage layout. For this production centre stage was a large revolve with many rostra, arches and steps crisscrossing the space. The flats which I painted formed a curve along the two side walls of the theatre, with the up-most flat being at an angle into the stage. Below is my original scale drawing for Stage Rt (Figure for scale.) which I called THE STEPS. A rostrum went below the blank space on the left. The right hand flats were 15'6" high. Total width was 24 feet. So I found it easiest to paint this whole set on the floor.

And above is the finished set of flats. Click on the white dot at the bottom of this picture, near the tree roots, to see my sense of fun with the detail.

Technical note... To get this photo I stood on top of my step ladder and took some oblique views of the flats which were lying on the floor, then altered the perspective in my graphics editing computer program and stitched the photos together.

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