SNOW WHITE 2006 page five - Witches Den
Designed and painted by Brian Willis
Set construction - Sean Magee
Their version of Snow White was performed by Coleraine Provincial Players in January 2007

The witches den

THE WITCHES DEN. Cloth 20 feet wide by 11 feet high. Photo taken under fluorescent light and daylight.
I painted the stonework in first, then added the creeping ivy afterwards to follow the contours of the blocks and stairs.

Click for details of this cloth. (opens in separate window)

Note the bat in the top left corner and skeletons on right. I am hoping to use "Invisible Blue" UV paint as there is to be a dance under UV lights. But worry that any blue content in the "normal" stage lights will show up the UV paint even when it is not needed. Might be a disaster! I have experimented with a sketch of this cloth using my computer graphics program to see what a UV bat and skeleton would look like.

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